Wednesday 1 March 2017

Article about our city in The Times


  1. Andrea Millán Mateos9 March 2017 at 10:37

    When a newspaper as "The Times" publishes a whole article about your town, it gives you such a thrill! What's more, I've felt identified by some places where I used to go with my parents some years ago, or unknown coins that, to tell the truth, I thought I was the only one who stop over there so far!

    On the plus side, this article is a loyal guide because it highlights the most well-known buildings as well as catholic monuments of Zaragoza. So, owing to its properly-organised planning, you can easily sightseen the city following each of the day's instructions without any worries.
    In my view, one particular strength of it is the fact that the price always appears; what will lend you a hand when it comes to decide whether you're going to misuse your money or rather not.

    On the contrary, I would have put more choices as for hotel's issue since local hostels are catching up and some of them are even comfier and a lof more cosy than the traditional ones.

    In short, I feel really proud of my town's review and that's outstanding to show it off on nothing less than "The Times", rock on!!
    By the way, my best friend's brother is working as a chef in Novodabo, a restaurant that has been mentioned along with La Prensa, so if you eventually make your mind up and decide to drive through it... go on my behalf!!!

  2. I´m very happy because The times which is a very important news paper wrote about my city and It's something you don´t expect because Zaragoza doesn’t have many dedicated articles. And when you read it you think ey! I have been there.

    This article tells you what to see in Zaragoza and makes you the guide function because it explains what monuments to visit or what restaurants to eat. And the most important thing in some monuments and restaurants they indicate the prize.

    But the article is a bit manipulated because the picture in the headline is much manipulated that river I haven´t seen in my life and that day is too perfect but in general I think it was a very good choice choose Zaragoza.

    Diego Catalán Val

    1. I liked reading about our city in such a prestigious newspaper too.

    2. I liked reading about our city in such a prestigious newspaper too.
