Wednesday 15 March 2017

BBC video goes viral

This BBC video has recently gone viral on social networks and tv channels. Have you seen it? 
What's happening in the video? How would you describe the situation? Who are the people who appear in the video?

Although the video is funny, there has also been been somebcontroversy related to some people's prejudice. Do you know why? Watch the following video and give your opinion.

Can you name any common stereotypes related to women?
If you can't think of any try to finish the sentence "women are good at..." What does it come to your mind?

Have a looking at the following UN campaign:

What's the aim of the campaign? Do you think it is necessary? Why? Why not?


  1. Andrea Millán Mateos25 March 2017 at 01:38

    From time to time, we misunderstand some current situations to such an extent that we take for granted things which are just the other way round.

    In the video, we can see a business man holding a sort of online conference whose children show up all of a sudden, interrupting his work session.
    Nevertheless, an Asiatic woman emerges behind right away in order to lead them out, since they are disturbing quiet a lot.
    Due to this mishap, the video has had some controversy related to some people's prejudice because, as we are all aware, women aren't as well accepted as men; specially when it comes to a different mother country, complexion, culture...

    Generally speaking, women all over the world don't take pride of place at any situation because we are supposed to be weaker, more dependent, more gullible... I mean, there are a thousand of stereotypes that still don't let us be on equal terms with men. Sadly, I include myself here, as it's really hard not to have prejudices in a society like ours. For instance, I can think of some sentences such as "women are good at looking after children", "women are good at house chores"... So I do fed up. I fed up with the actual situation because we have been fighting a lot to be respected but we haven't get rid of sexism yet. However, the victory is nearer and we will never give up!

    Alternatively, a UN Women Egypt campaign has been designed so as to highlight the fact that women make up only 23% of the workforce in Egypt. Its purpose was to elaborate some images adorned with a banner stating this message: “Finding women shouldn’t be this hard. Let’s work together for equal representation in the workplace.” since we can't see beyond men.

    From my point of view, the fact that such a sexist country has come up with this idea makes me be on cloud nine. Each day has more and more improvement, and I do know that the awareness is raising at an ever-faster rate!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. In the video, we can see a man who is talking to another man via video-conference, giving his opinions about what is happening in the world, but, suddenly a wench joins the room followed by his fellow (a kid), the man who is talking doesn’t react and then an Asian girl joins the room and leaves immediately with the young boys.
    This was a part of an emission of the BBC and quickly it went viral. People started to talk about who was the Asian lady and supposed that she was a babysitter, but some days after the man who was talking via video-conference, also known as Robert Kelly uploaded a video to YouTube, saying that the girl was her wife and the kids their sons.
    Some guys have been disappointed with the world due to the people’s prejudices, because people didn’t think about the possibility that the girl was her wife. Well, I think it’s not people fault, the way she enters the room seems quite professional and she doesn’t make any sound. Also, I think that an American guy can be married with an Asian girl, and everybody can be married with who they want!
    A stereotype related women is pretty easy to find, just watching the video we can say that women are better babysitters, or that women doesn’t reach high ranks in work.
    The aim of that campaign is to show that women doesn’t really work in high ranks and that we should improve that. I think that it’s not really necessary, let me explain.
    I think that we don’t need an equilty in everyjob, for example, 50 engineer, 25 boys and 25 girls, no, this is not fair for me. What we need is that people who hire workers change, let me explain again. Some bosses think that a women is going to do a job worse than a man and that must change, a way is to don’t let bosses know the gender of people. But that is my opinion.

  4. Yes I saw him a while ago because it was on YouTube recommendations

    In the video we can see a man who is doing an interview for the BBC but suddenly the door opens and her children enter. They start to play and he tries to stay serious and continue the interview. Then there is an Asian woman trying to take her so they don´t interrupt the interviewer. I think it´s a funny and complicated situation because you are doing something for the BBC and a lot of people are watching you. The man is the father, the woman is the mother and kids are their children.

    There are a lot of people in this world who think women are weaker or less powerful. I don’t know why these people think that, probably since kids they were told that women are inferior or they didn’t have a good education. There are many factors that influence also the person who said that maybe are stubborn. Yes I can name any common stereotypes related to women for example women only serve to clean the house and take care of children.

    The objective of the campaign is raise awareness the inequality suffered by women in the workplace. They make some pictures and you have to find the women but it´s too difficult and these the message that they want transmit. There are few women in the workplace.

    Yes I think it’s a good camping for make aware about this problem and we have to solve. For me the problem is that they have more difficulty getting jobs. And if we solve these women will have the same possibilities.I want that women have the same possibilities no more no less the same possibilities.

    Diego Catalán Val

  5. I hadn’t seen this video before the teacher told us to have a look; however, I understand why it has become viral because it’s quite hilarious. In the video it appears a businessman doing a live and direct online interview and suddenly one of his sons shows up and right after the other with her baby-walker appears too. The situation is a bit embarrassing so her wife enters in the room in order to keep their children entertained.

    The video has caused a lot of controversy due to the fact that the wife of the business man is a woman of Asiatic origin and she’s been thought to be the baby-sitter. I think that people still stereotype a lot and think that people of different races can’t be married.
    Besides, if we add that it was a woman, the stereotypes grow a lot.
    Women are said to be good at looking after children, at doing the housework and a lot of thing that we have been doing since the Paleolithic. This way of thinking must change because it is not true, we are good doing it because we are taught to do it since we are 3 years old, consequently we should educate as much children as adults that both boys and girls can do whatever they want and that people of different races might be as well married.

    A current UN campaign aims to make aware people that women aren’t enough in works such as technology, politics or science. I think it’s necessary for society to show that we haven’t actually get gender equality. There is still a long way off and every little thing can change our minds .

    Malena Ulcina Cabello
