Wednesday 22 March 2017


Sad news from London today. This is a short video about it and you can watch more of them if you go to the BBC website. (There's a link on the right column)

I invite you to post a comment if you want to.


  1. I'm so sorry. I wish them the best

  2. Andrea Millán Mateos28 March 2017 at 18:25

    And here we have another one. Terrorist attacks don't seem to get to an end. It's a great pity that some people don't even bother to die as long as they have managed to kill the others with a different religious mind.

    This situation has gone too far away. Politicians all over the world are believed to be cracking down on it, though you can easily get to know that they themselves are the ones who sell the weapons, so they actually want it to happen deep inside.

    Notwithstanding, we also have to face with those who claim that every single Muslim is automatically a terrorist and, therefore, we do have to drive them out of "our world" in case we wanted to get rid of terrorism. As you might think, it's such a very radical view (as well as the former one) and we will never get to deal with this issue if we don't change our minds.

    As a conclusion, I reckon that the gouvernment could be taking advantage of the unstable situation among inhabitants in order to make us do indirectly whatever they want. However all is not lost yet. I mean, I hope that a close day we can recall terrorism with hurt but also as something that has already passed away.

  3. Nowadays, the world is in alert since there are terrorist assaults for all the places as in Paris, Nice or Brussels. And this is worrying because many innocent persons die without any reason.

    On Wednesday 22 March in London, a man called Khalid Masood drove a car and began to knock down people up to be shocking by a railing. And later, he continued killing innocent persons with a knife and even to kill an agent that he was guarding the British Parliament.

    This situation is going to go to more if we don't stop it since they are the politicians who must stop delivering weapon and this, I don't understand because it is supposed that they want the security of the world but they continue doing it. Nevertheless, we don't have to say that all the muslims are terrorist because it's a lie. In addition, it happens like in all the sides that there are good and bad people.

    In short, with these people called terrorist from my point of view, we don't have to give them any privilege and finish once with this. We aren't going to be able to be the whole life in continuous alert because it is going to be impossible to protect everything. And we would put measures of prevention as to ban weapons if they don't use them in their trade and to have more precaution in all those persons who do suspicious movements and someone more ingenious to extract them some advantage.

    María Lozano 1ºBach A

  4. I reckon that we arrived at the moment where the humanity is affected by the violence and avarice of ourselves.

    The event in London was horrible because a lot of innocents were afected by a directly or indirectly awy (the intureds and their family).

    Currently we live in a period when we put on the top the religions, the politic and our nationality or color. We must think that the person, the personality, him purpose are more important than him nationality. We must look beyond our world, because we will learn a lot of thinks interesting and will respected more the other cultures and peoples.

    Finally, I admire the men (in the video) that try to help people, nevertheless he didn't do so much.

  5. Last 22 March, there was a terrorist atack in London. Khalid Masood drove a car on Westminster Bridge and mow down the people who were there. Later, he mebed the car into the gate of the British Parlament and he attacked two police with a knife. Other policemen shot Khalid Masood and killed him, but he had already knifed Keith Palmer (one of the police).

    I think that in these days people mix religion and politic, and there are a lot of fanatism. Many countrys have an alert of terrorism.

    This attacks make many people think that all musulmans are terrorist and is danger for his country, and this is a big lie. We must try to finish these. Also, we just realize when happens in Europe and we ignore when happens in other countries.

    Irene Pérez Pozo, 1ºBto A
