Wednesday 22 March 2017


Sad news from London today. This is a short video about it and you can watch more of them if you go to the BBC website. (There's a link on the right column)

I invite you to post a comment if you want to.

Wednesday 15 March 2017

BBC video goes viral

This BBC video has recently gone viral on social networks and tv channels. Have you seen it? 
What's happening in the video? How would you describe the situation? Who are the people who appear in the video?

Although the video is funny, there has also been been somebcontroversy related to some people's prejudice. Do you know why? Watch the following video and give your opinion.

Can you name any common stereotypes related to women?
If you can't think of any try to finish the sentence "women are good at..." What does it come to your mind?

Have a looking at the following UN campaign:

What's the aim of the campaign? Do you think it is necessary? Why? Why not?

Friday 3 March 2017

Resultado de imagen de movies

Write about a film that you really enjoyed. It can be one you have recently seen or an old one. Remember to use vocabulary related to films. You can watch this video to learn some vocabulary. (You'll be really surprised about how Brad Pitt changes in the video ;-))

Include the following information: 
  • some general information about the film (title, genre, director...)
  • actors/main characters
  • short description of the plot
  • other interesting aspects about the film: soundtrack, costumes, make up, setting...
  • your opinion about the film / why would you recommend it?

Resultado de imagen de movies