Tuesday 8 November 2016


Watch the video and answer the following questions. Post a comment with your answer (remember to write your name on it)

1. According to the video, what are the main problems of the school system? 
2. Do you agree with the ideas expressed in the video? What do you think about the school system in our country? What do you think about how things work in your high school?
3.In your opinion, who's to blame for the things that don't work properly in your school? 
4. What can teachers do to make things change? And students?


  1. Andrea Millán Mateos9 November 2016 at 20:47

    First of all, the problems of the school system mentioned in the video are that students are treated as robots, also that our way of teaching hasn't been developed since a hundred and a half years ago, every single student is taught in the same manner as the others, they have long school days as well as lots of homework...

    I do agree with these ideas mainly because I have actually felt fairly identified and, as a matter of fact, they don't represent the method utilized in my country. Here in Spain, we are used to long school days, crowded groups where teachers can barely do their work, very few ways to make our knowledge increase... I mean, the majority of teachers must limit to follow the appropriate textbook and just can't try any other alternative.

    Unluckily I have a similar situation at my high school, notwithstanding I don't blame my teachers as they only fulfill what superior charges (politicians) order them to do. Though from time to time we run into some null teachers who worsen the situacion and provoke children to put classes off, followed by an early abandonment.

    As a conclusion, I ought to add that there is almost nothing to be done (from the teacher's side) since, unless a supernatural event happens out of the blue and someone arrives to the power with previous teaching experience, things will continue like so far. It is so complicated to change a system in a whole country nobody dares to take the lead in it; therefore we all are building our DIFFERENT minds in a SIMILAR way.

    Andrea Millán Mateos 1º bto. A

  2. The main problems of the school system are that instead of teaching us new and different things they continue to use teaching methods that kill us creativity and originality.
    I agree, because in many countries the methods of educating students have not changed, and if they have changed, it's only the minority of institutions.

    The education system in this country, I don't think it is adequate since the last "improvement" they have done, because it's olnly the implementation of a law that was already created during the time in which our grandfather studied.
    In my high school, in my opinion there are things that are good for these era, but still many more improvements could be made.

    The government, students who are simply in high school because they are somewhat obligatory and teachers who take their work as an obligation (those who don't enjoy what they are doing).

    Teachers could innovate their old methods of studying or teaching using new technologies and in the same way to motivate students otherwise; And students try to make school routines with the help of technological means or with the new innovations of the given time.

    Gabriela Dudunică 1ºBach A

  3. The main problems of the school system are that a lot of students can't develop their talents because we're treated all the same way and that the way the classes are given hasn't changed at all.

    I agree with the ideas. I think that the school system in our country is pretty bad compared to others in Europe. Actually, we are the country with the most school failure, so something isn't going right.
    In my high school things doesn't go pretty well in the youngest people, a lot of young boys when they arrived they have already took the decission to not study and they come because it's obligatory.
    Also, a lot of teachers are not really severe and kids do what they want. But at my grade teachers love to give class because we can choose the subjects that we want so we're interested in them and we're more concentrated.

    We should blame the government, even they are not doing anything to develop the school system they tried to change our system to a older one with the LOMCE. I think that we need a good reform.

    Some teachers could make their classes more interactive to make students less bored in the subjects that they don't like. For example our teacher of physics and chemistry makes the classes really interactive and I think that all of us love her classes.
    Also students can behave better in the classes because sometimes we talk too much and it's imposible for the teacher to explain.

    Ignacio Montero Gil 1ºBto. A

  4. First, the biggest problems in the school system.. I believe that no person is the same as another one. So, why would we learn the same way? And BE interested in the same subjects? And we are punished for not being good in something we may hate, or simply for not being as good as expected? I don't think that it's fair at all.
    Also, I think that we spend too much time in class, I mean, in my highschool we have 6 periods of 50 minutes, and only 2 breaks of 20 minutes? That's insane! I need to rest, too! Also, I don't think homework are as effective as everybody thinks. I may copy them!

    I do agree with everything in the video. I wish our school system was similar to Finland's. It's obviously better, for both our education and mental health. I don't really like the way my highschool works. Like I said, I feel like we have too many work hours and really short breaks. I hate that we are taught the same things, the same way.

    I think that the Minister and the different political parties are to blame. They don't seem to get that the educational system is wrong.

    Teachers.. can't really do big changes, I guess. They can try to change some things of their classes like different methods, but I think that it's not their fault.
    Lucia Lopez Gutierrez.

  5. The problems of the school system are the methods, which train us to work like in a factory. This type of education kills the children's talents and creativity. Society has changed but school not.

    I agree with the ideas. I think the school system in Spain isn't perfect, but I think it's better than in other countries. There are too many problems too, like school failure, that I think must be solved, because a lot of people finish their studies soon because they didn't like school. I think there should exist some kind of site for these students, for being prepared for their future.
    I'm happy at my high school, but I think schools in Aragon haven't got a really good control over teachers. In my high school, almost every teachers are very good, but student aren't satisfaced with some of them, they have too many problems, and the government does nothing.
    On the other hand, some younger students come to school because it's obligatory, and they only bother other students. There should exist some alternative for them.

    The government. A few years ago we had LOE, a educational reform which wasn't very good, and in our days, the government has implanted another reform, LOMCE, which is worse than LOE. They must create a good educational reform, and stop arguing.

    I think teachers should pay attention to students with problems, because I think the best students don't need help to have good marks. Students must pay attention to the teacher too. Being speaking in class, fail the exam and after that, complain to the teacher isn't right, I think.

    Héctor Navarro Francés, 1ºBto. A

  6. According to the video, the main problems of the school system are that classes haven’t changed for 150 years and that we aren’t prepared for the future but for the past. We are treated as cookie cutter frames, instead of being treated as different people with different thoughts.

    I agree with all the ideas expressed in the video because here in Spain the problem is the same. We are not taught to learn but just to pass our compulsory education.
    In my high school things work as in the other ones, teachers do their job in the best way they can and we try to get the best marks we can, although some people get stuck on the way and don’t pass their ESO.
    As in all schools, fault is not in teachers neither in students. The fault is in politicians that don’t take seriously education and think it’s their game and they can play with our future. Unless they change their politics, education won’t change in another 150 years.
    All in all, teachers just can keep calm, help students in our problems and try not to be so demanding because some people are not done for their subject. On the other hand students have to study every day and work hard specially in the subjects we don’t like very much.

    Malena Ulcina

  7. The main problems of the school system are that all the students are taught as robots in a way which they can't develop their talents and creativity. Also, teachers and classrooms hasn't almost changed since a hundred and a half years ago, our way of teaching is the same and it would must change.

    Yes, I agree with the ideas expressed in the video
    I don't think that the school system in my country is good at all, for me the main problems are that teachers only give us texts to learn and they don't teach us to think, to argue... also we don't have a motivation for studying.

    I'd blame the government beacause they don't pay atention to education and they invest money in things that in my opinion aren't as important as education.
    Teachers could impose another way to teach more practice and less theoretical, I'm completely sure that students would be more motivated and we'd learn more.

    Clara Laorden

    1. teachers and classrooms haven't* almost changed...

      Clara Laorden

  8. According to the video, the main problems of the school system are that classroom hasn't changed for 150 years and also, that we can't know if we are prepared for the future or in the past. In short, we are treated as robots, to be an excellent student it is necessary to extract A+.

    I agree with the ideas expressed in the video, because I feel identified. Why if I don't like a subject I am in the obligation to study it during all my compulsory education?

    In my opinion, the school system in my country is good but it could be better. In my high school, the teachers try to make his work in the best way that they can and the students extract the best possible note.

    The principal reason of the education isn't perfect is that the politicians don't take seriously this matter, and they don't realize that we are the future of the country. As well as, they waste the money on unnecessary things.

    To sum up, the teachers can teach in a form more practical that following a few guidelines that for the year that comes you wouldn't remember it and I think that students will pay more attention that in the other form.

    María Lozano

  9. Firstly, he says that teachers are killing creativity and individuality, which is a big problem. To explain this, he compares a fish that can't climb a tree with a student who thinks that he's useless because he doesn't pass exams. Other of the main problems is that the school hasn't changed for 150 years. Finally, he blames teachers who teach at the same way to different students

    Yes, I agree with all his ideas. I don't like our school system because of many reasons. The most important problem are the final exams in fourth of the ESO and in second of ''bachiller''. In our high school, we have very good teachers but I think we should do more practical activities, for example, more visits out of the center

    I think that teachers, students and politicians have the fault of the things that don't work in the high school. Some teachers, because they don't teach well. Some students because they don't let teachers tech. And politicians because they change our educative system continuously.

    Teachers should understand better the students and do different activities. And students must study what ever they want and not that subject with more possibilities in the future.

    Javier Garcés 1ºBach A

  10. The most important problem is that the school has not changed in 150 years. It doesn´t make creative people make robots to work in factories also he forces students to do things that aren´t good for them until they surrender and believe that they don´t serve for anything in life.

    Yes I ´m agree because a lot of students in my country, in the word are studying subjects that they don´t like. The school system in my country its okay but it can be better .We must do something for change that because kids are the future, we have to stop to think that we are all the same. We are different each person is good at what he likes and we have to keep in mind that. I think its okay work in my high school but we spend all morning studying, the class groups are very large and the teacher’s can´t control all students.

    Think we are all to blame especially those who make the laws. Students we have to stop thinking about getting the best grade and concentrate on learning and there are teachers who don´t explain or don´t have the motivation to teach and who become teachers simply to have a fixed job. If a teacher strives and is motivated deserves many things but if the only thing he or she looking for I a fixed job I would fire he/she because there are people who really would like to teach the new generations.

    We can´t do much until this problem is solved. Teachers could do fun activities (which some already do) and students in the future they can change the law and make a new education law that isn´t based on taking notes but on learning as in Finland or Norway
    Diego Catalán Val

  11. The main problem of the school system are that students are treated as robot and they can't find their talent or develop their creativity. Also, a problem is that schools almost haven't changed for 150 years.

    I agree with all the ideas. I think that the school system in Spain it's fine, but could be better. We have the same problem as the video, we study for pass the exams and the compulsory education and not to learn. In my high school things works like in the others schools. The teachers work in the best way, and students try to pass all the subject and have high marks.

    I'd blame to the government. I think that they don't take seriously the education, they don't see that the school system are wrong.

    Teachers should do their classes more interactive and not all theoretical. Also, teacher should pay more attention at students that have some problems in their subject. And students must pay more attention in class and study every day.

    Irene Pérez Pozo

  12. 1) That in the last years has not change anything and we learn unnecesary things. You prop the teachers don't leave to teach like they want.
    2) Yes. I think it's a very big shit. We don't learn necesary things about our lifes, besides that de system that stay now, don't provide anything good.
    I think that's not bad, but we can work better. And some teachers are too boring.
    3) The people who forms the goverment. Because they don't want to change nothing and some politicians get harder studies.
    4) To complain and to be protested. It isn't possible make anything more. Although we do what we can, whit protests, strikes, etc.

    Leandro Torres Lario

  13. The big main problem nowadays in the school system are that students can't find their talent or their dreams because they are treated as robots. From before to nowadays the students study in the same way.

    Yes, I'm agree with the ideas because many students go to school by obligation and they study for pass not for think in their future. The students must could find what they like and do that. The school system in my country is not bad, but I think students would work more if they studied what they like and not all subjects. In my high school it works well because teachers explain very well as they like and we try to get as high marks as possible.

    In my opinion the blame is on the politicians as they surely studied but they should not be on the same level as the generations that come from below. Every time they want to put more things and they do not hit any.

    The teachers could change the subject of the classes to make them more fun and faster, but the power has the government and they would have to do what they said.The students could only do strikes to change but nothing else.

    Daniel Quesada Lázaro

  14. I think the most important problems at school system are that the ways to teach and the technique are obsolete. The School train children to work in factories, to be all of them the same person, being better than other always using competitively. That’s a big problem, because everybody has his own dreams, his own ideas and his own capacity to be useful for the humanity but they don’t learn to help each other, to connect with other children, they just compete for the best mark in their exams.

    I totally agree with the ideas expressed in the video. I think our country has the same obsolete school system that America. The schools don’t foment the collaboration, just the competition when they should do the opposite, they should work amplifying the connection between students making them work in groups. I think in my school this problem is less severe thanks to our teachers whose make us do works in groups and teach us to respect each other’s collaborating and doing at the end a good job, and that’s after all what we have to learn for make of this a better world in the future.

    In my opinion, if something doesn’t work properly, is everybody’s fault, I explain it:
    If the fifty percent of the class fail an exam, there’s no a single person who has a problem.
    It’s the bad students’ fault for not having studied enough for the exam or for not having asked to their parents/friends/teacher.
    It’s the teacher’s fault for not having realized these students whose don’t understand the lesson and for not to teach correctly at their classes.
    But it’s also the good marks students’ fault because of their unsolidarity with their classmates. That’s the problem which I said before, students just look for their good marks and they doesn´t mind what could happened to the other children, and they should remedy this fact right now.
