Wednesday 25 May 2016


Although you are not a fanatic of Game of Thrones I'm sure you know what TV series we are talking about, as it is famous all over the world and watched by millions of spectators every week. Why do you think it is so popular?

Lots of scenes for the sixth season of Game of Thrones have been shot on location in our country.
How many of these locations are named in the video?
Why did they choose to film on location in Spain instead of doing it in a studio?
What's the best thing about Spain according to the people talking in the video?

As you can see, Spain's landscapes and monuments are especially appreciated by the cinema industry. Think about a monument or natural landscape you especially like in Spain and write a short description about it. Do you think it would be ideal for a film or TV series? Can you recommend it to a film director?


  1. Andrea Millán Mateos27 May 2016 at 21:14

    I'm going to descrive Alquezar's landscape which is located in the province of Barbastro, nearby Huesca.

    It is widely known because of two main reasons; its amazing castle, situated on the top of a hill to defend the village from several attacks several centuries ago and its footbridge route, which is pretty interesting for the ones who enjoy the nature as well as sport.
    The last one has inspired me while I was thinking about setting places in Spain since I used to go there when I was younger and feel as though I was among dwarfs, trols, hobbits... Of course I mean 'the Lord of the Rings'.

    There are so many similitarities between both landscapes that I bet it would have been the best place for going on with this awesome saga if the director had taken the decision of filming further.

    To sum up, I recommend this part of our country to whoever that is interested in a great set and stuff... but I actually keep on thinking in Peter Jackson (the director of the former saga I have mentioned), to his would-be coming cinema creations.

  2. I'm going to describe Alhambra which is located in the city of Granad
    I selected this monument because it is one of most famous in Spain for its architecture, beauty and the history it has. I have chosen also because I was recently and I loved what grade it was so well done that the decoration was handmade and there I met the person who bent Morgan Freeman. Many movies have been filmed there such as film ¨La vida de Cristóbal Colón¨ and serves many other films stories that are set in the Muslim era. I would recommend this place to Thomas McCarthy for some of its series

    Diego Catalán Val

  3. I'm going to talk about a natural landscape whose name is Aguaspeña which is located in my village, Checa.

    It's a nice place for the lovers of the nature since you can see like a rock is formed. It's divided in two parts: the zone activates where it's in continuous formation since it falls water that dissolves the rocks and the inactive zone in which you can visit different caves and it is very interesting.

    Nevertheless, I don't recommend it for a movie since it's a natural space that we must preserve because if we record some movie there, it can be that they modify the place provoking that doesn't continue its course.

    All in all, I recommend it for people who like a natural landscape but not for a film. When I go to my village, I try to go because it's a very amazing place for me.

    María Lozano 4ºA1

  4. Albarracín is a beautiful village in Teruel that is very ancient and I think that it's perfect to record a film about the Middle Ages, medieval movies or for Game of Thrones.

    It is a village done in the mountain and it is frontified by a big medieval wall. The houses are really old but very beautiful so I think that it's perfect to make a movie there.

    I wouldn't recommend any director for a film there because many of them have already done a film there so it would be a copy or a bit repetitive.

    Nicolás Escudero 4ºA1

  5. Marta De Esteban29 May 2016 at 17:37

    I’m going to talk about Albarracin, a village located in Teruel.

    I’ve chosen this place because I think that it’s a beautiful village. The first time that I went it was recently. I was looking forward to visiting whole village but I didn’t have time even so the bit that I saw I liked so much.

    In short, I recommend this place for film tv series or films based in the middle age because Albarracin was many streets of stone and slopes, also was a big wall in the told of village and a lot nature.

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  7. I'm going to speak about Avila's Wall, that is situated in Castilla y La Mancha.

    It is a military fence in Romanesque style, who go around the ancient Avila.
    The old Avila and the Wall become in 1985 a World Heritage.
    It takes up an area of 33 hectares and has an average height of 12 metres and was construed around XII century. The Wall is formed of 87 fortified towers and 9 gates. The most popular gates are the Gate of St Vicent and of Fortress because there are built on a flat (so they were easy for attack).

    I reckon, it is a beautiful and ancient city. We can visit and look at the many monuments by XII century.
    As well as we can go up on the Wall and admire the scenery what is wonderful.

    Finally, I recommend this place for films or TV series because it is a very important historical monument and it so easy recreates the Middle Age there.

  8. I'm going to describe the Loarre's Castle which is located in Huesca, Spain.

    It's a Romanesque castle built on the top of a mountain range throughtout the eleventh century by Sancho the Third of Navarra. It's considered as the most preserved Romanesque fortress in Europe and in 1906, it was entitled as “Bien de Interés Cultural & Monumento Nacional” by the Unesco.
    Besides, it's surrounded by a big wall with fortified towers from where you can see an amazing landscape.

    In my opionion it would be perfect for a TV series which has to record scenes in a medieval environment. The advantage is that in addition to record on location, they don't need to film the insides in a studio because the castle has the perfect rooms and light to make it.

    I'm thinking about Game of Thrones indeed. I would contact the director of the series and tell him/her that here in Aragón there is an awesome lanscape which could be perfect for a big battle.

    Jaime Ruiz Pardos 4ºA1

  9. I’m going to talk about Canfranc Estación, a village of Spain, which is located in the north of Aragon, near the border with France.

    It’s actually famous because of the International Railway Station which became a doorway of freedom for Jewish who escape from the Nazi. It’s also famous because near there, there are two important ski resorts of Spain.

    It would be a fantastic place to record some scenes of a film mainly in winter because it snows very often and it’s always white as well as there is a beautiful landscape who contrasts the mountain and the nature with the houses quite out of the way.

    I would recommend it all people whether they want to record a film or not. When I was younger I used to go to Canfranc and I loved it, I think it’s a place with a special charm.

    Malena Ulcina

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  11. I'm going to talk about Bielsa, a village of Spain, which is situated in Huesca.

    It's a famous and tourist place. In this village we can find beautiful and old houses and great landscape. Also, in carnival, there are a espectacular festivity that only is celebrated in Bielsa.
    Many people going to Bielsa for do walks to see the lakes, the plains, the falls, the landscape in general.

    In my opinion this place would be perfect for a film or a TV series. I recommend it, especially in winter, because is all white as snows a lot.

    In this village it was filmed the end of "Palmeras en la nieve" and near "Kamikaze".

    Irene Pérez Pozo 4ºA1

  12. Hey,
    I'm gonna talk about "Valle de Hecho".
    It's a municipality which is placed in Huesca, near Jaca.
    The capital of Valle the Hecho is Hecho, where about 700 people live.
    The most important thing is Selva de Oza which is a natural area where there are a lot of mountains.

    I think that it would be perfect for a film or a tv series because it makes you feel the nature.
    For example, "The Revenant"could have been recorded there perfectly.
    If I could, I would recommend this place to everybody who is going to make a film about middle age and needs a place to film a fight.

    -Ignacio Montero Gil 4ºA1

  13. I'm going to talk about The Stone Monastery.

    It's a monastery in Aragón, was founded in 1194 by thirteen monks came from the Monastery of Poblet, in the old castle next to the Old Stone and the river Stone. It was dedicated to Santa Maria la Blanca and is classified as a National Monument on February 16, 1983.
    Also is created a park with vegetation and waterfalls, many people will visit.

    I my opinion this place would be perfect for a film or a Tv series because is very beautiful an quiet.

    Pilar Santos Agudo 4ºA1

  14. If I were a film director, I would film in Besalú. It's a typical medieval city of the X century. It's situated in the north of Gerona.

    The famous places are in the old part of the village, like the Middle Age bridge and the monastery. This places could be great for Medieval and war films because it was an important place in the Independence War.

    I went there at the age of eleven and I could rememember that it was a fantastic place to visit. I really recommend it.

  15. If I were a director, I would go to Belchite. Belchite is a destroyed village in Zaragoza.

    It was destroyed in 1937. I think that we couldn't make a complete film in Belchite, but I think record some scenes in this village would be amazing.

    I think it would be perfect for record some apocalyptic or terrifying scenes, because there is a legend which tells that at night, we can hear the dead soldiers' cries in this war.

  16. I'm going to talk about the Beach of the Cathedrals.

    Beach of the Cathedrals, is situated in Ribadeo, in the province of Lugo (Galicia). Although its true name is Holy Waters Beach. It is called ‘the Cathedrals’ because of its rock formations that reminds of cathedrals.

    If I were an actress , I would like to record in such a place, because I think it's awesome.

    In my opinion , rather than for a movie or a series, it would be for a TV commercial . For a perfume advert, which are the ones I like.

    I recommend this place a lot, I have never been there, but i would love to go.

    Paula Arévalo Bernal 4ºA1

  17. 'm going to talk about a Pyrenean lake: Anayet, which is in the province of Huesca.

    Anayet, is a nice landscape here in Spain. It has a lot of vegetation and a big lake in the middle. In this place have lived many horses, but nowadays there isn't remain anyone

    I think it would be an interesting place for a fantasy film, set it on the Middle Ages. Since it's beautiful, the cameraman will be able to record amazing scenes. On my opinion, I think that the better place in Spain for a film are the Pyrenees.

    To end the composition, I'll recommend this film to Peter Jackson, the director of ''The Lord of the Rings''. I know that this saga ended since a long time but if one day someone want to make a film based on the Silmarillion, Anayet could be a pretty place to record some scenes.

    Javier Garcés Blasco 4A1

  18. I’m going to talk about Boltaña’s fortress.

    Located in Boltaña, a small village of the province of Huesca, it’s a small fortress of the tenth century built during the wars of the ‘Reconquista’. It was built by the Saracen Muslims at the top of the mount where the old part of the village is as a defence outpost to watch over the Ara valley and defend the village from the crusaders’ attacks.

    Nowadays only the exterior walls remain from the original fortress but the town hall has begun to rebuild the main tower.

    I would recommend it to a film director as a location for a medieval or historical film because although it isn´t very big or spectacular itself, it has spectacular sights of the valley.

    Antonio Olivar Muzás 4ºA-1

  19. I´m going to talk about Gistain, a village which is located on the pyrenes on the Gistain valley.

    It´s a very beautiful place to spend your free time I think, reading some, books playing with animals or just relaxing. It´s also a “strategic point” because of his situation. From here you can go to Jaca and the Pineta camping (which are over an hour away), you can make different walking trails like the Barrosa circus or lots of different tarns.

    I think it would be a good place to record a film which needs beautiful landscapes. The village is also the best place to film a medieval TV series because of his castle and free areas to work.

    Finally I totally recommend this place to record a TV serie.
