Saturday 16 April 2016


Watch the following video, RUNAWAY,  and answer the questions below. Remember to write your name when you post the comment.

1. Write a summary of what happens in the video. No more than 4 lines. What can we learn from this short story?

2. Although it may seem strange, we often feel attached to things. What's your most precious possession? Why is it so important to you?

3. What do you and your family do at home? Do you usually repair things or do you buy new ones?


  1. Andrea Millán Mateos19 April 2016 at 21:02

    It is a short about a young boy who has got a special relationship with his fridge since this machine behaves as humans do. One day its handle breaks and falls down so its owner decides to buy a new one, altough Chillic (fridge's name) thinks he is going to be replaced.
    Finally it wants to show us that true friendship is forever and besides we have to keep on trusting each other.

    I feel attached to my kitchen chair because I have been sitting down there since I was a baby and during this period of time I have had really good vibes.

    At home we are used to reuse things and if we buy new ones, it is just because we can't repair them. My father denies about calling someone to fix or assemble furniture so he is the one who is always responsible of doing it. We all consider that money is not created to be wasted in a non-sense way and therefore we prefer to solve flaws ourselves.

  2. The video is about a man and a fridge which is his best friend. One day de fridge´s handle break up and the boy goes to the fridge shop to buy a new one but the fridge thinks he´s going to replace him and he runs away. Finally the man finds the fridge all become clear and they live together and very happy again.

    It´s a story based on affection which teaches the real meaning of the friendship and it´s able to speak to the hearts.

    My most precious possession is my teddy “Glotón”. It´s so important to me because we bought it for myself when I was a baby and I´ve never been without him from that moment.

    In my family we repair all we can (clocks, tablets, laptops, chairs…) but there are some things which are very used and damaged so we ban them and we buy another ones.

    Daniel Coll

  3. It's a cartoon about a fridge and a man. It seems they are really good friends as the fridge was a person. One day the fridge broke itself and the man started to find out another one. The fridge was quite sad and it left its home. At the end, the man doesn't buy any fridges and he repairs the old one.
    I think it deals with how friendships are, we must trust in others and they'll trust in us.

    My most precious possession is my cuddle toy called “dolly” as the sheep who was cloned. My uncle gave me it when the new was on the TV and my parents and me decided to call it like that. I have had it since I was very little and I will keep it until the end.

    At home we try to repair all we can such as cups, or chairs. If it is something we cannot repair by ourselves, we call the technician, and if it has nowhere to go, we buy another.

    Malena Ulcina 4ºA1

  4. Marta De Esteban21 April 2016 at 16:48

    It’s a short story about a boy and a fridge, both are best friends. One day the knob of the fridge is broke and the boy went to the shop in order to buy another. The fridge thought that the boy went to change him. Finally the man repaired the knob’s fridge and they were very happy.

    I think that the short teaches that the goods relationships are forever and to keep the things which we love more.

    My most precious possession is my teddy bear. I had it since I had two years. I always slept with it because I had fright to darkness.

    At home we’re try to repair the little things. If we can’t repair them, we call someone specialist and if we see that the repair it will be more expensive that buy another, we don’t repair the thing and buy other.

  5. It is the story of a man who his best friend is a refrigerator. One day the boy was open the fridge and callus the knob to open and close the refrigerator. The boy tells the fridge I m going to the street .The fridge for a moment believe it will replace and escapes but eventually he found the fridge in the landfill and the guy fix the handle

    My most precious object is my teddy bear called Winnie the Pooh. When I was a baby he slept with him and I liked his TV series.

    It depends on what has been broken and how. Always my family try to reuse things or fix them but if we can´t fix or repair worth more than the object we usually buy a new object

    Diego Catalan Val

  6. The video deal with a man and his refrigerator. They're good friends but, one day, its handle breaks and the boy goes to the shop to buy another. Nevertheless, the refrigerator thinks that he is going to change him into another one and the fridge take the decision to go away to the dump. To sum up, the man repairs the handle of the refrigerator and they are both very happy.

    This short wants to make see two things: the first one, that it is necessary to try to repair before buying things and, the second one, that the friendship is forever.

    I feel attached to my blanket because this object has happened for all my cousins up to me and I have it since I was a baby.

    It's depends on if it has solved or not. But usually, we try to arrange at least that turns out to be more expensive that to buy another one.

    María Lozano 4ºA1

  7. This fictional video talks about a boy who has an alive refrigerator like friend. One afternoon refrigerator's handle has broken and the boy went to buy another one but the refrigerator thinks he will replace him. Finally the boy finds and repears him.

    I feel attached to an old tee-shirt which have the signatures of a lot people from my old primary school. This tee-shirt was signed in the last day of primary and I sometimes wear it to remember this day.

    In my family we don't usually repear things,only expensive or almost new machines. It's a bad habit we are trying to change.

    Diego Moliner 4ºA1

  8. It's a short video that talks about a story of a guy and a fridge. They have been always being friends but the handle brokes itself and the guy goes to repair it but the fridge sees something different and it goes through him. At the end they meet again without problems.

    We can learn that a friend is forever and for good or bad moments.

    My most precious thing is my PC because I play, I take information, I communicate with my friends and I meet new people.

    In my family we always try to repair things but we are buying new things more often because they are old or we can´t repair it.

    Nicolás 4ºA1

  9. One day, the fridge Chilly breaks. It goes away because it misunderstood that it was going to be replaced. Finally when the fridge had accepted it, Chilly came over and they solve what had happened. In my opinion this video shows how you can be attached to things and the newest is not always the best.

    My most precious possession is a soft toy (a ball), because when I was operated of appendicitis, my neighbours gifted it for me and I'm still having it.

    In general, if they can be repaired we do it but if there is no practical solution we tend to buy new things.

    Jaime Ruiz 4ºA1

  10. The video tells the story of a boy and his friend, who's a fridge. One day the door handle of the fridge is broken and when he sees the boy with a magazine of a fridge shop he thinks he's going to be replaced. Then the fridge runs away and goes to the junkyard, where is found by the boy and he repairs the broken handle.

    We learn that a true friend is going to be always with you and he's never going to replace you.

    My most precious possession is a stuffed toy rabbit. I've had it since I was one year old.

    In my family when something is broken we try to repair it, if it doesn't work after it we use to call a technician and if the technician can't solve the problem or after a few days it breaks again we buy another one, but in the most part of the cases we don't need to do this.

    Antonio Olivar Muzás 4ºA1

  11. It's a short film that shows us the relationship beetween a refrigerator and a boy. One morning the refrigerator's handle breaks up, then, the boy looks in a magazing and marks a page. After that he goes to the shop to buy another handle, but the refrigerator thinks that he's going to buy another refrigerator and he runs away.
    Later, the boy meets the refrigerator at the rubbish dump and he shows the new handle to the refrigerator and both go home. We can learn that friendship can be really strong beetween an human and an object.

    My most precious possession is a stuffed dog which is called "Plata" I have it since 2000, the year I was born.

    At my home, we usually try to repair things but when they have about ten years we buy news because this century technology is evolving really quick.

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  13. The film shows us the friendship between a fridge and a boy. When the fridge's handle breaks, the boy looks for a new handle in a magazine. The fridge sees him with that, and she thinks he wants to replace her. Quickly, she leaves home and goes to the dump, but the boy finds her and gives her the new handle.
    We can watch in the film the meaning of a true friendship.

    My most precious possession is a teddy bear called "Osito". My cousin gave it to me in 2000, when I was born.

    At home, we always repair things. We only buy new things when they break completely, and a technical tells us that is impossible to repair.

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  16. This video is about the close relationship between a man and his fridge. One day the fridge's handle is broken and the man goes to buy a new one. The fridge grieves and leaves home thinking the man doesn't need him anymore.
    Finally the man repairs the handle and they continue to be best friends.
    The video show us how is the true friendship.

    I feel attached to a teddy worm stuffed a meter which I have since I was a baby. It was bigger than me.

    In my family we try to repair things but if it doesn't work we buy another ones.

    Paula Arévalo 4ºA1

  17. It's a short video about a young boy and his fridge, who is his best friend. One day the knob of the fridge broke, and the boy has to go to buy a new knob, But Chillie (the fridge) thinks that he want buy new fridge and escape. Quickly the boy find Chillie and repairs the knob. There were very happy.

    I think that the video teach that we have to try repair before buy new things. And also, that the friendship is forever.

    My most precious possession is a plush doll, because when I was in the hospital my uncle gift it me.

    At home we try to repair things. If we can't repair them, we call a technician. But sometimes, we can't repair and we buy another.

    Irene Pérez Pozo, 4ºA1

  18. In the video we can see a fridge which handle is broken. When his owner see the broken part, he exits the house with a magazine. When the fridge sees that, he decides to go away, because he thinks that the guy will buy a new one. But this is not true, he was buying a new handle! When they see each other again, the owner put the handle on the fridge and they return to their home.

    In my case, I have one thing that I love in my home. It's my grandmother's bell. When I see it, I remember all the moments with her. Nowadays, she has a ''brain problem'' and she doesn't recognize me.

    Usually, when one of my objects breaks I try to repair it, but if I can't do anything, I buy another one

    Javier Garcés Blasco 4A1

  19. This video is about a boy and your fridge, who is your best friend. He brokes him handle and after he goes to buy another one for repair your friends. The fridge thinks that the boy will buy an other fridge and he escapes, but in the end they return at home together.

    It is a video who shows that the good friends don’t leave you in bad moments so they are forever friends.

    My most precious objects are the earrings which my sister gives me from Roumania, when I was there.
    They are inportant because are from she and they give me lucky always.

    If I lose them I will be sad long time but after a big time I will be better.

    Ussualy when an object is broken we try to repair but if it isn’t possible we buy another one.
