Saturday 2 January 2016


Hi, boys and girls! How are you? I hope you are enjoying your Christmas holidays. Here you can have a look at the powerpoint presentations you showed in the classroom. I have made some corrections and improvements, I hope you like them. I have to admit that you did a really good job!
Please, have a look at all of them and write some opinions about the subject (Did you find it interesting? Did you know anything about this subject? etc.)
HECTOR and ANTONIO, I can't upload your presentation about King Arthur because you didn't send it to me :-(    I hope you do it soon!


  1. Andrea Millán Mateos5 January 2016 at 10:06

    I really find all of them interesting, without exception beacause I am interested in history and these power points talk about the British background and some important monuments.

    I already knew the Tower of London and Westminster Abbey although I have never been there yet, but I hope to go soon. I didn´t know much the past and functions of them, either.

    I would like to study more details about the cultures which have been living in Britain along history because I enjoy whatching historical films based on real facts characterized by vikings, celts, romans...

    (PS: Happy new year, keep calm and recover soon!)

    1. Happy new year and thanks for your good wishes. I hope to be back soon. :-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I have really enjoyed the exhibits as they have treated the history and I liked research informations about other civilisation.

    I already knew thinks about Stonehenge, but I have never visited. Also I knew stories about the Vikings and the Romans, but on the other subjects, really not much.

    It was a job which I enjoyed and I would like in the future to do the like, instead of exams (for example).

    (Happy New Year, and recover soon!)


  4. In my opinion the presentations are very well because they explain some important monuments but the history is not one of my passions

    Before the presentation already knew the Celts and the Stonehenge but the rest I didn´t know and I would like to go someday to Stonehenge.

    I think it was a fun activity and we could repeat with another subject

    (Happy New Year and recover soon)

    Diego Catalán Val 4A

    1. We will do more activities like this in the future. I'm glad you liked it.

  5. I have really enjoyed all the power points and I have found it interesting, because I like the history and all the information about the differents topics.

    I knew things about the Tower of London, the Celts or the Stonehenge, but in the other subjects I didn't knew much.
    I have done the work about the Celts, and though I knew some things about them, I have liked to investigate things about the gods…

    I found this job very interesting to do, we have to found information about the differents cultures that have been in Britain.

    Happy New Year and recover soon!!


  6. I really liked all the power points, especially the Tower of London and Westminster Abbey because they are monuments that you can visit. However, the others presentations are also interesting because I like history and deals with it.

    I knew information about the Vikings, Romans, Celts... because previously in history I have studied it but through this work I have extended my information.

    I hope to learn more about the history of Britain or other countries because it's interesting.
    Happy new year and I hope you recover soon in order to see you.

    María Lozano 4ºA1.

  7. After read all the power points, I think that all of them look really interesting. My favorite is the presentation about celts, but I prefer it because i'm very interested in this tradition, not because it's mine!

    I miss the power point about Arthur King because is a really interesting and imaginary subject, with warriors, knights, monsters,... I also liked ''the vikings in Britain'' presentation.

    I would like to learn more about others cultures, for example greek traditions or gods, which has a lot of things and story.

    Happy New Year and recover soon teacher!

    Javier Garcés Blasco 4ºA1

  8. I´ve seen the presentations and I've liked all of them a lot. My favourites are the ones about the vikings and the celts becasuse I'm really interested in the history of these cultures, their traditions, how did they live...

    I find this activity interesting and I've learnt a lot about The Legend of King Arthur, which is a topic I've always liked.

    Happy new Year and I hope that you get over son!

    Antonio Olivar Muzás 4ºA-1

    (PD: I don't have the King Arthur's presentation, I think Héctor has it but I'm not sure, sorry)

  9. Hello…

    I think that the Power Points that we did are OK. We can improve it a bit our English but actually it’s nice.

    I have liked them, I knew something about Stonehenge because I’ve seen it in a TV Serie about Jackie Chan.

    I didn’t know anything about The Tower of London, I think it was interesting to know what you can see a lot of important things there.

    I’ve enjoyed the one about The Romans because in my work I’ve investigated a bit of them.

    (PS: I think Héctor have sent the Power Point)

    happy new year!and get well teacher!!

  10. I think that all of them are nice. The presentations are short, but they are very complete.

    I knew something about all the powerpoints, but there are a lot of new information that I hadn't listened before

    I like the Celt's presentation, because I love that culture, but I hadn't known many things that the presentation explain about them.

    Héctor Navarro Francés 4ºA1

    PD:I sent you the King Arthur's presentation two weeks ago.

    Happy new year!

  11. Hello Hector! I didn't receive the powepoint that you sent, I'm sorry. Can you send it again? The email address is

  12. I've found really interesting the power points because I like learning history about other civilisations which aren't yours.

    I knew a bit about some presentations, and I've learnt a lot with those I didn't know anything.

    I want to do more activities like this.

    I hope you to get over soon, and happy new year!! We miss you.

    Malena Ulcina

  13. I've found really interesting the power points because I like learning history about other civilisations which aren't yours.

    I knew a bit about some presentations, and I've learnt a lot with those I didn't know anything.

    I want to do more activities like this.

    I hope you to get over soon, and happy new year!! We miss you.

    Malena Ulcina

  14. I have liked all of them because we have discovered new interesting stuffs about the United Kingdom and I think we have do it great.

    Stonehenge and Westminster Abbey have been my favourites. I'm sure it's because I like the buildings above romans, vikings and celts but anyway I've learned with all of them.

    I would love to do more works in groups or simply to use more computers because they are a good device to learn.

    I hope you get over soon ;)

    Jaime Ruiz Pardos 4ºA1

    1. ok, we'll go more often to the IT room on Fridays...

  15. In my opinion these power points are very good because they are full of information and because I'm aware that my classmates have worked hard in them.

    I did my presentation with Daniel Coll, the biggest mistake i ever did, but we have done a nice presentation in the end.

    I learned alot of interesting things with this activity and i hope we will do it again.

    My favourites presentations were about the vikings and the Wesminster Abbey because i was very uninformated about them.

    A late good year, I hope you get well soon.

    Diego Moliner

  16. I agree, your powerpoint was very nice. If you read the comments a lot of people liked it!
