Tuesday 21 April 2015


SCHOOL UNIFORMS - yes or no?

Here you can watch a video recorded by a student who is against the use of school uniforms. What's your opinion about school uniforms? Do you agree with her? Do you think school uniforms only have disavantages or do they have advantages too?

Write your opinion about it.


  1.  Diego Catalán Val 3ºA
    At most schools our area,people don´t have to wear a school uniform,but at our schools it´scompulsory.For exampe in my school we don´t have to wear school uniform

    In my opinion school uniforms are not good for many reasons.Firstly,you can choose your clothes and follow a style.Secondly,you don´t need to spend money in school uniforms and clothes too.Finally there are persons how like to look different everyday

    So all in all I think that it´s not a bad thing to have a school uniforms but if I can choose I prefer normal clothes

  2. Andrea Millán Mateos23 April 2015 at 09:34

    School uniforms are a must in some private schools, although in the mayority of the secondary schools it isn't compulsory as it is the case of my high school: IES Ramon Pignatelli.

    On the one hand, wearing uniforms to school has many advantages as you don't have to worry about the clothes that you are going to choose for next day. Another positive thing is the fack that everybody is just the same in the way they look, that is to say, there is no social difference.

    On the other hand, wearing uniforms to school also has some disadvantages since you can get bored of being dressed always in the same way. You are not allowed to follow the fashion or espress yourself.

    In my opinion both posibilities are OK. But if I could choose, I would prefer not to wear a uniform because I would feel more free.

  3. We have always considered uniforms as part of private or religious schools. There are not many schools in our area where you have to wear school uniforms. The fact of wearing these uniforms is due to make the difference between public schools and private schools. I think the policy of our educational system should change.

    In my opinion, school uniforms are good for different reasons. Firstly, we wouldn´t have the problem as we have when people come to class wearing inappropriate clothes. For the same reason you don´t have to think about clothes you are wearing can dislike other people. Secondly, school uniforms are more elegant and polished than other clothes that you could wear to class. And finally, as you only have to wear one kind of clothes, the clothes that you can put when you go out wouldn´t be repetitive.

    All in all, I´m in favour of school uniforms and I had been proud of wear them.

    Daniel Coll

  4. In almost all the private or religious colleges the boys take uniform, but in the public school they do not remove.

    The bad thing of this is that you can´t dress since to want, and the good thing is the uniforms is that he sows you go away to dressing equally and do not have to worry for putting on another clothes.

    In my opinion the uniforms are ok, the people who takes them are because it wants. I would not take it, to my personally I do not like them.

    Victor Embid 3ºA

    1. Your comment is a bit difficult to understand...

    2. In my opinion uniforms are usseless because they are too expensive, it only meanings your school and you don't wear what you want.

      In many schools, uniforms are necessary, they are usually private schools where families pay a lot for their sons education or other expenses.

      I don't agree with uniforms because, I repeat, they are too expensive and you don't wear what you want. The only advantage I can find is that there isn't conflicts with the way of dressing that you choose so there isn't bulling with this point.

      Nico 3ºA

    3. School uniforms are an obligation at some schools, high schools and universities but ...

      I don´t agree with school uniforms. I think they are too expensive and the same for all school, if you are behind two people you only can differentiate them for their hair cut. They don´t look very comfortable but also you must buy a sport school inform to do Physical Education.

      In my opinion school uniforms are annoying and they have no sense.

      Ismael Jareño 3ºA

  5. From my point of view, uniforms are just a lost of money because they aren't better than normal clothes. I think that people who wears uniforms don't really like them, they are forced, that's all.

    Only in private schools and sometimes in schools where you must pay some money, you have to buy a uniform for go to classes and another for P.E. class. It's a bit weird if you wear the same clothes everyday and you don't have your own style. If only in private schools it's compulsory it will be because they want to be different than others and be another group in the society away from people who goes to the public school.

    In summary, i'm against uniforms because they don't have any advantages.

    Jaime Ruiz 3ºA

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  6. Nowadays, school uniforms are only used in privates schools, because in public schools aren’t obligatory.
    In my opinion, I’m against school uniforms because…

    First: Uniforms take away the freedom for wear the clothes that each one like

    Second: It’s really bore (from my point of view) wear the same clothing at school days.

    Third: It’s a loss of money because you already have other clothes. It’s only an unnecessary expense of money.

    And finally, I think that uniforms haven’t any advantages and yes, I’m agree with the student in the video.

    Javier Garcés 3ºA

  7. Before I was wearing uniforme, when I was 7 yers and I hate now and before.

    In my opinion wear uniform is horrible for students, because it lets them express their own thoughts and lifestyles. Besides that also lets us show our creativity.

    It is also a waste of money for families, because with that amount could buy other materials necessary studies.

    Gabriela Dudunicå 3A

  8. I agree with the girl that made the video. I don't like uniforms at all. Here is why:

    I really think that we all should be able to express our style, or, even if we don't really have one, at least, be able to choose our clothes! See everyone with the same uniform ends up being a bit boring.

    It's also because the money, it is expensive, isn't it? And, if we can't use the vestments we have, it is a nonsense!

    In other words: I actually think that uniforms are unnecessary and that they don't have any advantages.

    Lucía López 3ºA.

  9. The uniforms are obligatory in some schools for example in private school ,or some religious school... But in the public school it is not necessary to take uniform.

    In my opinion, to take uniform is bad because always you have to take the same clothes, it is boring and everybody have to take the same clothes and you don't have freedom to choose your clothes . In addiction it's very expensive. But also it has advantages, for example you don't have to think the clothes that you go away to putting the following day, and we wouldn't have the problem as when students go to school with Inappropriate clothes.

    I think that to take uniform is not necessary because it's a waste of money for the families and it's very boring.

    Paula Idiago 3ºA

  10. School uniforms are obligatory in private school. We can put uniforms in a public school but it isn’t habitual and the people will look surprised.

    There are some advantages about uniforms like we don't have to think about the clothes that we are going to choose every day but I think that there are many disadvantages because the uniforms are very expensive and in my opinion is boring see at all the people of the same style.

    I prefer go to publish school because I don’t like nothing the uniforms and because I like wear my style of clothes and so feel myself.

    Marta Amezcua 3ºA

  11. We don´t wear the uniforme in our school.
    I think that it is because is a public school, the most of privates schools use the uniforme.

    I don´t like it, because I don't wear others clothes, they only wear others clothes in the weekend. And the uniforme is more expensive.

    I prefer that the people wear with diferents styles.
    I agree with the video.

    Andrea Moreno 3ºA

  12. School uniforms are obligatory in many schools that in general are private, though in many public schools also it's necessary wear uniform for the subject of gymnastic.

    I don't agree with school uniforms, becouse it's very boring to wear every day the same clothes and likewise see the people with the same clothes like you.

    As well, the school uniforms are too expensive.

    I think that every person has to have his own style.

    Clara Laorden 3A

  13. The school uniforms are obligatory in general in the private schools. In public schools almost never wear uniforms.

    I desagree with school uniforms, because I think that there are inconvenient and very expensive. I don't like wear ever the same clothes and I don't like the desing of this uniforms.

    I think that there are people who like the uniforms but this is my opinion.

    Jesús Vitoria Llera 3ºA

  14. I don't think uniforms are that much bad as mostly kids thinks nowadays. I agree they have comfort and cost issues which makes them not favourable but there are many more advantages of it like symbol of respect,unity, helps to learn discipline and to adapt conditions that you don't like and many more. I loved wearing uniform in my school days. #Mansuri Schoolwear UK
