Friday 13 March 2015

IRISH MUSIC - Derek Ryan

Here you can watch the video of the song that we worked in class, by the Irish artist Derek Ryan. Did you like it? What do you think of Irish music? What other Irish singers or bands do you know?
Have a nice weekend!


  1. Andrea Millán Mateos15 March 2015 at 10:15

    I like it because I think the soundtrack has got a lot of rhythm and the lyrics has got a wise message.

    Although I like Irish music, in my opinion it is a bit monotonous as well as old-fashioned.

    I know some Irish groups such as Enya and U2 which I like more, because they sound more modern.

  2. In my opinion, it's a good song - even if it is a little bit old. I mean, the sound, voice and rhythm are good.

    I'm not really into Irish music to be honest, but I don't dislike it. Not bad, but as Andrea said, it has a lot of repetitions.

    I don't know more Irish groups, I heard about U2 a lot, but I think I have never heard a song, and if I did, I don't remember it.

    Lucía López 3ºA.

  3. Then you should listen to some U2 songs, I'm sure you'll like them.
    Good comment 😀

  4. I have enjoyed the song , it has lot of rhythm and I like music played by Irish groups . For example groups like U2 and the Water Boys .

    I think the song sounds a bit ancient due to the instruments and the lyrics , but I think it's a cool song .

    Ismael Jareño

    1. I think the Waterboys are Scottish, aren't they? I like them too :-)

  5. I really liked this rhythm though at first I was not convinced. I never listened an Irish group and I liked the message. I think we must listen more music in class
    Diego Catalán Val

    1. Ok, Diego, I'll try to work with more music in class ;-)

  6. I like this song because, like everybody, I think that the soundtrack has a lot of rithm and also I think the refrain is very sticky.

    I totaly disagree with Andrea because Irish music is not "old fashioned", Irish music is clasic.

    I know other Irish groups like Rapalje. Here I put the same song (Raggle Taggle Gypsy):

    Daniel Coll

  7. Good version of the song. I had never heard about this band, I've had a look at their website and it's interesting. I encourage all of you to have a look at it too.

  8. I like this song, because it sounds happy and amusing.

    It has alo of rhythm, but I agree with my classmates that the song seems old.

    I'm also into Irish groups like Enya and U2.

    Andrea Moreno 3ºA

  9. I like this song because the music is amusing, it has got a lot of rhythm.

    I think that the Irish music is good but I like others types of music because this songs are old.

    I know some Irish groups like The Corrs, Enya and U2 because I have listened and I have worked this in class.

    Marta Amezcua 3ºA

  10. Hello, I'm Nico.

    I love Irish music, is one of my favourite kind of music. I also love folk music so I can't say anything bad to Irish music.

    One of my favourite Irish song is "The Lord of the Dance", a song that I played with violin with a very big orchestra and it was amazing. It hasn't got any lyrics but music is very good. A very important dancer called Michael Flatley, did a show around the world and a lot of peolpe watched it.

    I know other Irish groups like U2 or ENYA.

    Thanks and have a good week :)

    Nico 3ºA

    1. I like The Lord of the Dance too. I'm glad to know you like Irish music. :-)

  11. I really like this version because is more danceable and in my opinion it likes to young people. The song lyrics is amazing too, but I would like to listen something else in it.
    I've never heard other Irish group because I don't actually like this kind of music, but this is definitely an awesome track.

    Sebastián Zapata 3ºC

    1. Good comment. You are the first student of 3C to post a comment, congratulations! ;-)

  12. I liked a lot. The lyrics are very nice and cheerful rhythm, perfect the dance.

    Irish music I like, but usually not listen this tío of music I like mostró pop music por dance music.

    Another group of Irish music I know is U2.

    Gabriela Dudunica 3°A

    1. Gabriela, I don't understand some words in your comment, check your spelling! but thanks for writing

  13. Hello .I am Iván Monterde

    The singer yis very beutiful and special.The music Celta is essntel the history in Ireland and traditions.

    ! It is very good !

    1. Iván, you have to be careful with spelling, but thank you for writing in the blog!

  14. I have to admit it, I love Irish music, since always actually, but before I didn’t know that this style was Irish music. Perhaps I am the only one to say this on the blog but I love Irish music, sometimes more than my big passions. Although I love Irish music I don’t know any singers or groups that play this type of music.
    -Rafael Barbieru 3ºB
