Friday 9 November 2018


Watch this video about the story of the poppy. You can watch it with subtitles in English if you find it difficult to understand.
Then write a comment including the following information:
·      Did you know about Poppy Day before we talked about it in class?
·      Why is it celebrated on November 11th?

·      Why do you think Remembrance Day is such an important day for the British?


  1. 1-No, I did not know who it was.
    2-This day is the anniversary of the signing of the armistice, which ended the World War I hostilities between the Allied nations and Germany in 1918.
    3-Because it's the day when it's supposed to be a time of suffering and pain because of the war.

    Daniel Hermosel 4-B

  2. 1.-I didn`t know anythig about te poppy day before seeing the video.
    2.-Because the World War 1 (or The Great War) ended that day, the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.
    3.-Because is a day when british people pay tribute to those who participated in the war, all the people who died or got hurt and also the people who came back due to their post-traumatic stress.

    Mario Molina, 4ºB

  3. 1. No, I didn’t know anything about Poppy Day before we talking about it in class.
    2. Poopy Day is celebrated on November 11th because the 11th November 1918 at 11 o’clock in the morning the First World War ended.
    3. I think that the Remembrance Day is an important day for the British because they remember all the people who died or also the people who participated in the First World War.

    Naiara de Blas, 4ºB

  4. 1- I didn't know anything before we talked about remembrance day in class.

    2- It is celebrated that they because it was the day that the First World Was finished: The 11th of the 11th month at 11 o'clock.

    3- I think this day is important for the British because they remember all the veterans how have served or die in the war.

    Laura Aznar 4ºB
