Sunday 11 December 2016


Did you know December 10th is Human Rights Day?

Human Rights Day is observed every year on 10 December. It commemorates the day on which, in 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In 1950, the Assembly passed resolution 423 (V), inviting all States and interested organisations to observe 10 December of each year as Human Rights Day. 

But, what are human rights? How many of them do you know? 

You can learn something about them watching these videos: 

According to the videos, human rights are clear and well-defined but, unfortunately, they are not respected in many parts of the world. Can you think of some examples? If you watch or read the news you'll probably can think of many, and not of all them are far away places. Work with a partner and make a list of them, of a list of problems the world is facing at the moment.

These videos are definitely sad and hard to watch, but they show the reality of millions of people every day:

What words can define your feelings or opinion about the situations shown in the videos? Try to think of 3 adjectives.

What can we, as citizens, do to improve this situation? How could human rights be respected in more places? Try put forward 3 ideas?