Thursday 13 February 2014



The squirrel is one of my favourite animals. They usually live in temperate forests, on the trees, but you can also see them in many parks in Europe and North America.
The squirrel is a small mammal. They have got four short legs, brown fur, small eyes and ears and a long furry tail.

Squirrels are fast, very active, quite common and very intelligent. A squirrel can climb very tall trees. They can recognise their home among thousands of trees. They can jump very well. They collect nuts and hide them in lots of different places. They can recognise these places in winter to have food. They can also fool other squirrels to protect their nuts.
They can stand on two legs and use their hands to open and eat nuts.

I like squirrels because they are small, nice and very sociable. They get near people in parks and they are not usually afraid of humans. Some people have them as pets, but I think this is horrible.