Monday 14 September 2015


What memories of this summer come to your mind? A summer love or friendship? An unforgettable trip? Has this summer been "the summer of your life"?  Some people say that students' summer holidays are too long. Do you agree with them?
And what are your expectations for the school year? What is the best thing of coming back to school? Meeting again your school friends? Telling them about your summer? Seeing your teachers again? (hahaha) 

Let's try to be positive and see the good side of life. There are songs that, for one reason or another, put us in a good mood. It's difficult to choose just one of them, but I've chosen this oldie goldie from 1978 by Earth Wind and Fire because it really goes with the season we're in, and it appears at the beginning of a French film which I really like, The Intouchables. I hope you enjoy the song! And I recommend you the film.


Could you tell us about a song that puts you in a good mood? Can you write a paragraph about it? If you add a link your classmates can listen to it or watch the video too and give their opinions about it.

I also want you to tell us about: 
-your expectations about the new school year
-five  good things to do in September